Literary Quote

A word is dead when it is said, some say. I say it just begins to live that day.

Emily Dickinson

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dance recitals are here!

Yup, it's that time of year again when Lucy and Amanda dance with Children's Visions dance studio. They just had the elementary school performance yesterday but the big one is March 28th at the Covey Arts Center. Here are some cute photos of them yesterday. They did such a great job. They love to do this and we love to watch them.

Lance's visit

We were so happy to see my brother Lance last Saturday. He came down to visit all the sibs. He just hung out with us (Geoff had to work) for a few hours and experienced a day in the life of the Groberg girls. We love ya uncle, Lance:)

Sweet Eira

She's taking her sweet time about it but Eira is walking more and more everyday. Now, if we could just get her to say some words, I'm sure we'd have less screaming in the house:)